Services are (mostly) held on the 3rd Saturday of each month at 5:00pm
at St Margaret's Cedar Cottage Anglican, 1530 E 22nd Ave in Vancouver.
NEXT: February Service
Saturday Feb 15, 2025 at 5:00pm
"Imbioc Tools"
St Margarets, 1530 E 22nd
in person and on Zoom
Join us once again for our Imbolc Tool Blessing!
In January we explored how the world calls to us to transform grief, fear, and anger into agency, and the many tasks one can take up through the seasons of our lives to make our mark on the world and build a beloved community. For our tool blessing, we invite you to bring the “tools” of your life and your work for the good of the world, whether you are organizers and builders, story-tellers and communicators, healers and guides, or artists and creators, or all of the above! In this service we will celebrate the ‘bless’ these tools, recharging and rejuvenating the tools and ourselves for the work of the coming year.
For this high-energy ritual the tools you bring could be anything you use to make your mark on the world, and do your work (paid or not). We recommend choosing tools that are relatively small and portable, or a smaller object to represent a larger tool that you can’t bring with you.
Examples of tools include: pens, notebooks, musical instruments, a laptop, sewing tools, protest signs, paintbrushes, construction or power tools, books, sports equipment, a chalice or other spiritual tools, keys to a vehicle or piece of machinery, cleaning tools, spreadsheets, backpacks, activity sets (like Spirit Play boxes or fidget toys), seeds and gardening tools, lesson plans, petri dishes, tarot cards, workshop materials, cooking tools, mobility aids, safety gear, theatre costumes or props… anything you consider the tools of your life!
A potluck meal follows our worship services. Feel free to bring a dish or drinks to share. All cutlery and plates are provided. If you are able, please come a bit early or stay a bit later to help set up for or clean up from our time together. Many hands make light work! | For the Unitarian Universalists of the Salish Sea worship - is multigenerational, inclusive and welcoming - is anti-oppression and trauma informed - helps us create community and is welcoming to new people - offers opportunities for growth and stretching into discomfort - offers opportunities for healing - offers opportunities to engage with the sacred honours our UU principles and purposes |